Rugby St Matthews
Marriages from 1881 to 1884

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If you find something of interest, you are advised to check the actual record itself.
Look at the parish record book, which may be available in the PRO,
or a copy in the Birmingham library.

Adkins, Archer, Barling, Barry, Batchelor, Beasley, Bennett, Besant, Block, Boyes, Brown, Burdett,
Cambell, Chappell, Cockerill, Cooper, Cross, Cryer, Dale, Durham,
Farndon, Faulkener, Fletcher, Gambrell, Goode, Goodman, Graham, Grant, Grubb,
Hall, Hammond, Hard (?), Harris, Hewill, Heyes, Hinton, Howard, Howkins, Johnson, Jones,
Lines, Lord, Loydall, Moon, Newbold, Pike, Price,
Ramsay, Randall, Redford, Renshaw, Reynolds, Ricketts, Robbins, Sendall, Smith,
Tailby, Tuckey, Vincent, Wait, West, Williams, Wise,

Archer, Aston, Baggott, Batchelor, Bates, Blacking, Blencowe, Bromwich, Bromwich , Byse,
Cockerell, Collins, Coot, Crane, Crisp, Crowe, Elwig, Fields, Fleckner, French,
Gauntley, Gibbard, Gilbert, Goode, Green, Gutteridge, Halloway, Hawthorn, Hiatt, Hicks, Holder, Hollis,
Jeffs, Jones, Labraham, Lacey, Liggins,
Mague, Mann, Mason, Masters, McIntosh, McNaulty (?), McRae, Mills, Molesworth, Morson,
Nicholls, Owen, Rainbow, Read, Redgrave, Reynolds, Sendall, Swaby,
Tailby, Tew, Tobin, Tomkins, Tuckey, Wallington, Ward, Webb, White, Williams,

Rugby St Matthews MARRIAGES 1881 - 1884

B/L Date Groom, Age, Status Abode Bride, age, Status Abode Notes
B1 February 1881William Cooper, Full, BachelorRugbyCharlotte Gibbard, 20, SpinsterRugby
L5 February 1881Joseph Fletcher, Full, BachelorRugbyMary Elizabeth Coot, Full, SpinsterBruson
B13 February 1881Thomas Price, Full, BachelorRugbySarah Ann Tuckey, Full, SpinsterRugbyGrooms sig looks like Thomas Rice
B13 February 1881William Goode, Full, BachelorRugbyLavinia Hannah Goode, Full, SpinsterRugby
B24 February 1881Walter Farndon, Full, BachelorRugbyEmma Archer, Full, SpinsterRugby
B19 April 1881Augustus Hewill, Full, BachelorRugbyAnnie Mague, Full, SpinsterRugby
B20 April 1881George Tailby, Full, BachelorRugbyMartha Fields, Full, SpinsterRugby
B27 April 1881John Henry Burdett, Full, BachelorRugbyCharlotte Mary Sendall, Full, SpinsterRugby
B3 August 1881John Henry Wise, Full, BachelorLeamingtonAlice Hannah Morson, Full, SpinsterRugby
B10 August 1881James Renshaw, Full, BachelorRugbyFrances Elizabeth Green, Full, SpinsterRugby
B30 August 1881Walter Oswald Wait, Full, BachelorRugbyAmelia Frances Molesworth, Full, SpinsterRugby
B13 September 1881William Johnson, Full, BachelorSt Johns, CoventryLouisa Annie Tew, Full, SpinsterRugby
B21 September 1881Alfred Harris, Full, BachelorRugbyAnnie McNaulty (?), Full, SpinsterRugby
B29 September 1881Thomas Shephard Grubb, Full, WidowerRugbyAnnie Maria Halloway (x), Full, WidowRugby(x) her mark, Fathers name: John Reynolds
B31 October 1881Samuel George Smith, Full, BachelorDoncasterCatherine Jane Owen, Full, SpinsterRugby
B15 November 1881Frederick John Smith, Full, BachelorRugbySarah Jane French, Full, SpinsterRugby
L5 Jan 1882William Adkins, Full, WidowerRugbyElizabeth McRae, Full, WidowCrickFathers Name: Thomas Redgrave
B10 January 1882Edwin Vincent, Full, BachelorChertseyElizabeth Ann Webb, Full, SpinsterRugby
B26 January 1882Richard William Tuckey, Full, BachelorRugbyAlice Ann Labraham, Full, SpinsterRugby
B26 January 1882Walter Money Sendall, Full, BachelorRugbyEmma Louisa Martha Read, Full, SpinsterRugby
B8 April 1882George Besant, Full, BachelorSt Johns, Chesham Hill, ManchesterMary Lacey, Full, SpinsterRugby
B9 April 1882William Robbins, Full, WidowerRugbyEsther Bromwich (x), Full, SpinsterRugby(x) her mark
B20 April 1882William Archer, Full, BachelorRugbyAnnie Jeffs, Full, SpinsterRugby
B27 April 1882William Paterson Barry, Full, BachelorLeedsClara Emma Bromwich , Full, SpinsterRugby
B30 April 1882Harry Hinton, Full, BachelorRugbyRachel Reynolds, Full, SpinsterRugby
B30 April 1882Thomas Batchelor, Full, BachelorRugbyEllen Tomkins, Full, SpinsterRugby
B5 June 1882John Durham, Full, BachelorRugbyAnnie Elizabeth Aston, Full, SpinsterRugby
B11 June 1882Henry Redford, Full, BachelorRugbyEllen Tuckey, Full, SpinsterRugby
B9 July 1882William Henry Gambrell, Full, BachelorRugbyLouisa Jane Masters, Full, SpinsterRugby
B7 August 1882William Thomas Hall, Full, BachelorRugbyHarriett Gilbert, Full, SpinsterRugby
B28 August 1882John Williams, Full, BachelorRugbyEliza Nicholls, Full, SpinsterRugby
B28 August 1882William Albon Reynolds, Full, BachelorRugbySarah Jane French, Full, SpinsterRugby
B19 September 1882Josiah Loydall, Full, BachelorRugbySelina Crane, Full, SpinsterRugby
B11 November 1882Joseph West, Full, BachelorRugbyPhoebe Ward, Full, SpinsterRugby
B8 February 1883William Richardson Graham, Full, BachelorSt Matthews, WalsallSarah Ann Crowe, Full, SpinsterRugby
L9 March 1883Robert Ramsay, Full, BachelorSt Johns LeiLucy Jane Cockerelll, Full, SpinsterRugby
B12 March 1883Edmund Faulkener (x), Full, BachelorRugbyMaria Baggott, Full, SpinsterRugby(x) his mark
B15 March 1883Francis Barling, Full, BachelorRugbySelina Fleckner, Full, SpinsterRugby
L10 April 1883James Charles Brown, Full, BachelorRugbyMary Agnes Mason, Full, SpinsterRugby
*23 April 1883Edward John Cryer, Full, BachelorRugbyRebecca Elwig, Full, SpinsterRugby* = Superintendant Registrars Certificate
B 6 May 1883Thomas William Boson Batchelor, Full, BachelorRugbyEliza Batchelor, Full, SpinsterRugby
B10 May 1883Frederick Randall, Full, BachelorRugbyRebecca Gauntley, Full, SpinsterRugby
B25 June 1883 Chappell, Full, BachelorRugbySarah Minnie Annie Tobin (x), Full, SpinsterRugby
B16 July 1883George Heyes, Full, BachelorRugbyMary Jeffs, Full, WidowRugbyFathers name: John Hicks
B14 August 1883George Dale, Full, BachelorRugbyElizabeth Blacking, Full, SpinsterRugby
B16 September 1883Thomas Goodman, Full, BachelorRugbySarah Ann Holder, Full, SpinsterRugby
B3 October 1883George Cross, Full, BachelorRugbyRebecca McIntosh, Full, SpinsterRugby
B8 October 1883George Mathews Moon, 20, BachelorRugbyEliza Jane Jones, 20, SpinsterRugby(x) their marks
B13 October 1883John Hard (?), Full, BachelorRugbyLizzie Gutteridge, Full, WidowRugbyFathers name: James Liggins
B18 October 1883John Grant, Full, BachelorRugbyMary Elizabeth Hollis, Full, SpinsterRugby
B27 October 1883Thomas Archer, Full, BachelorRugbyCaroline Bates, Full, SpinsterLoughborough
B24 November 1883William Pike, Full, WidowerRugbySarah Bromwich, Full, SpinsterRugby
B1 January 1884Albert Brown, Full, BachelorRugbyCharlotte Ann White, Full, SpinsterRugby
B1 January 1884Charles Cambell, Full, BachelorRugbyMary Jane Williams, Full, SpinsterRugby
B3 January 1884William Newbold, Full, BachelorRugbyEliza Tailby, Full, SpinsterRugby
B22 March 1884William Bennett, Full, BachelorRugbyElizabeth Byse, Full, SpinsterRugby
B23 March 1884Samuel Beasley, Full, BachelorRugbyJane Wallington, Full, SpinsterRugby
B21 April 1884William Howard, Full, BachelorRugbyHarriett Elizabeth Collins, Full, SpinsterRugby
B28 April 1884Thomas Cockerill, Full, WidowerRugbyEmma Hawthorn, Full, SpinsterRugby
B29 April 1884William Ricketts, Full, BachelorRugbyMary Blencowe, Full, SpinsterRugby
B2 June 1884Henry Howkins, Full, BachelorRugbyJane Rainbow, Full, SpinsterNew Bilton
B1 July 1884Thomas Boyes, Full, WidowerRugbyElizabeth Mills, Full, WidowRugbyFathers name: George Webb
B13 July 1884Frederick Jones, Full, BachelorRugbyElizabeth Emma Crisp, Full, SpinsterRugby
B23 July 1884Thomas Block, Full, WidowerRugbyThirza Swaby, Full, SpinsterRugby
B4 August 1884Thomas William Harris, Full, WidowerPortsea, PortsmouthClara Collins, Full, SpinsterRugby
B21 September 1884Thomas Hammond, Full, BachelorRugbyMary Tailby, Full, SpinsterRugby
B1 November 1884Charles Lines, Full, BachelorRugbyKeziah Hiatt, Full, SpinsterRugby
B14 December 1884Thomas Lord, Full, BachelorRugbyElizabeth Mann, Full, SpinsterRugby

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